
& answers.

Has the final submission date been extended?

Yes, the competition submision date has been extended to December 20, 2017, 5 PM Pacific Time.  

Regarding the existing SRO voucher component of the project, what is the monthly payment from AHA under the proposed agreement?

We are not aware of a proposed agreement with AHA. We (the City) actually pay URDC, not AHA. This is the one of many Section 8 programs we manage in our office. The monthly payment per unit is $550, all in, inclusive of utilities.


Can the team propose new uses and zoning for the adjoining neighborhoods and properties to foster a viable development of community and place?

 Yes. Existing zoning and regulations should not necessarily be viewed as a constraint. We would like to see solutions that would ultimately inform our complete zoning re-write which is about to be underway.

It seems the referenced site is isolated by major interstates and highways. The site appears to lack without integration into a more comprehensive regional city development strategy that would develop a sense of community as well as belonging to the greater city structure and identity.

Atlanta City Design illustrates the larger vision and relationship for the Metropolitan Pkwy corridor (and many other corridors throughout the City). The preview version of the book is available at

The city hosted a live question and answer session and site tour at the competition site. Is it possible to access a recording of that event?

Yes.  A recording of the event is available at

Is there a greater regional plan that the competition development should reference in its approach?

Please refer to the Atlanta City design. The preview version of the book is available at  

Is there a transportation plan that the design teams should reference, or should we suggest broad based solutions to address transportation and pedestrian circulation?

Yes. The City is in the final stages of completing its comprehensive transportation plan. All material related to the plan can be accessed at

Can the teams suggest a solution that addresses the needs set forward on a larger scale city and regional level?

Yes. Specifically we are interested in how potential solutions may be scaled and adapted to other sites in Atlanta and even serve as a model for other cities.

What is the size of the existing site?

The current site is comprised of two separate parcels totaling an approximate of 7.1 acres; the Santa Fe Villas is 4-acres and the Town & Country Hotel Courts is about 3.1-acres.  We have uploaded a plat map of the Santa Fe Villas portion of the site to the “downloads page” (, however, it is not overly detailed.  Some additional resources and dimensions are available on Atlanta’s GIS site:

Competition programing: How many bedrooms are required in a specific unit or does the number of bedrooms depend on the design (for example is it required that some units have one or two bedrooms)? The site currently has multiple trees located on the south-east side below the blue line on the site map. Do those trees need to be removed, transferred or does it once again depend on the design?

Regarding competition programing for the site:  Specific competition programing (Unit counts, typologies, common spaces, etc…) has been intentionally left open ended to allow competition teams the flexibility to propose a program that best meets their individual economic model and project pro forma.  Pages 9 & 10 of the design brief provide basic guidelines for developing this program.  Tree removal or retention is at the discretion of each contestant.

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